Recent Fire Damage Posts

Restore Your Property After a Fire with SERVPRO of Monterey Park

6/28/2024 (Permalink)

After Fire Strikes -- Call SERVPRO of Monterey Park After Fire Strikes -- Call SERVPRO of Monterey Park

Experiencing a fire can be one of the most devastating events for a home or business. Even a minor fire can cause extensive damage, including smoke and soot damage, water damage from firefighting efforts, and structural issues. Fire damage remediation is essential for property owners to restore their property and belongings to their pre-fire condition. SERVPRO of Monterey Park is a trusted provider of fire damage remediation services in the Los Angeles, CA area.

SERVPRO of Monterey Park's team of highly skilled technicians is trained to manage fire damage remediation projects of any size and complexity. They use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure that fire damage is thoroughly addressed, and your property is restored to its original condition. Their comprehensive process includes the following steps:


The team conducts a thorough assessment of the fire damage to determine the extent and appropriate restoration process.


They take steps to prevent further damage, such as boarding up windows and doors and tarping the roof.

Water Removal

If needed, the team removes all standing water from your property, often a result of firefighting efforts.

Smoke and Soot Removal

The team uses specialized equipment and techniques to clean all surfaces, including walls, floors, and ceilings, to eliminate smoke and soot damage.

Cleaning and Sanitizing

They clean and sanitize all affected areas to ensure they are safe for occupants.


The team repairs or replaces any damaged materials, such as flooring, drywall, or insulation, to return your property to its pre-damage condition.

SERVPRO of Monterey Park is available 24/7 to respond to fire damage emergencies in the Los Angeles, CA area. They understand that fire damage can be overwhelming and traumatic, and quick action is essential to minimize the damage and reduce restoration costs. The team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and will work closely with you throughout the restoration process to meet your needs.

In conclusion, fire damage remediation from SERVPRO of Monterey Park is crucial for property owners. With their experience, expertise, and commitment to quality, they will ensure that your property is restored to its pre-fire condition quickly and efficiently. Don't wait—contact SERVPRO of Monterey Park today @ (626) 656-6577

Fire Extinguisher Guidelines

4/12/2024 (Permalink)

Fire Extinguishers Make sure you can identify the type of fire extinguisher as each is used for different scenarios.

Here are some basic guidelines on fire extinguishers.

First, let's go over the different types of fire extinguishers.

  • A - Used for materials such as cloth, paper, wool, plastics, etc.
  • B - Used for flammable and combustible liquids: gasoline, grease, oil, etc.
  • C - Used for electrical equipment and appliances.
  • D - Used for flammable metals
  • K - Used for animal and vegetable oils and fats.

A, B, and C are typically found in residential properties and businesses. D is typically found in factories and K is found in restaurants and kitchens. 

Using a fire extinguisher is highly situational and one should follow this comprehensive checklist on deciding whether or not using a fire extinguisher is appropriate.

  • Notify others in the building that there is a fire
  • Call the fire department
  • Physically able to use the extinguisher
  • Small and contained fire
  • Safe from fire's smoke
  • An exit route or an escape path from the building

When all conditions are met in the checklist above then a fire extinguisher can follow the PASS acronym which is a simple set of instructions in order to operate an extinguisher.

  • Pull the pin.
  • Aim at the base of the fire. Don't aim at the flames but aim at the combustant.
  • Squeeze the lever or handle. Use the extinguisher from a safe distance.
  • Sweep the nozzle in order to cover all the area.

Lastly, it is advised to avoid dealing with fire damage yourself. Do NOT try to clean walls or surfaces of fire contaminated areas. Do not try to shampoo the carpets or upholstered furniture. Do not try to clean any electrical appliances within the vicinity. Also do not improperly clean any garments as the smoke odor might set in. Call and consult SERVPRO of Monterey Park for any fire related damages.

The Primary Focuses of Monterey Park Fire Damage Cleanup

4/5/2023 (Permalink)

poster soot and smoke cleaning Fire damage cleanup and restoration in Monterey Park include soot removal and improving indoor air quality.

The Phases of Fire Damage Recovery

There are multiple phases and components to local homes' average fire restoration process. From the time that our professionals arrive after the first responders clear the structure for entry, each of these specific phases plays a part in helping life get back to normal:

  • Emergency Services
  • Mitigating Loss
  • Cleaning Soot
  • Overcoming Odors
  • Reconstruction Services

Monterey Park fire damage can be one of the more frequent threats that our experienced team of restoration professionals gets asked to face. This process is often broken up into multiple steps and phases, each with an important role in restoring your household to preloss condition and comfortable living conditions.

Emergency Services That Must Happen First

While thorough inspections of the property following a disaster can help technicians on our team better understand the scope of the work to get done, some of the actions needed to protect a property and its contents precede this step. The fast response of our SERVPRO team can be vital in specific approaches like:

  • Debris Removal
  • Water Removal
  • Temporary Construction

Starting Mitigation After a Fire

Mitigation will describe several actions needed to protect homes and businesses immediately following the thorough inspection of the property and its fire damage. Mitigating loss represents any action our SERVPRO team takes to eliminate the pressing concerns and threats to the structure. This will include several factors, such as:

  • Air Quality Improvement - A critical concern is the volatile post-fire environment. Air scrubbers and HEPA filtration can help regulate airborne particulates.
  • Content Relocation - Relocating contents to a safer property area can be a critical step to protect what matters most to customers.
  • Controlled Demolition - Our contractors must remove damaged structural elements and destroyed materials to prevent material collapse and improve the house's air quality.

The Threats of Soot Exposure

Soot is one of the most significant obstacles professionals must face after a fire. The partial combustion of materials creates thick carbon deposits on surfaces, which must get addressed as soon as possible to protect the underlying substrates. These soils are corrosive and threatening to house occupants, so SERVPRO can use several products to help neutralize their destructive capacities and prevent worsening conditions.

The first step in removing smoke solids and soiling is dry vacuuming surfaces to remove buildup and debris. We can then evaluate the remaining fire damage for either more complex cleaning or further surface scrubbing with mechanical actions to achieve soot and smoke damage removal.

Strong Smoke Smells to Battle

Malodors are a byproduct of combustion and the presence of burned materials, so SERVPRO professionals must provide suitable solutions to neutralize these threats. Fire damage in the form of offensive smells can be managed in multiple ways, beginning with air filtration and air scrubbing to reduce airborne contaminants and particulates. The production of ozone or hydroxyl radicals can also eliminate strong odors, but these are more challenging to use in a household versus more versatile fogging solutions.

Are Repairs Necessary After a Fire?

Repairs are a very realistic expectation for fire recovery and restoration services. The combustion process can destroy many structural elements in the path of a migrating blaze, making build-back services an important component of our promise to repair it "Like it never even happened." With a general contractor license and experienced technicians on the roster, we can rapidly transition between restoration and reconstruction to help get you back to comfortable living conditions as soon as possible.

Addressing Monterey Park fire damage requires skilled professionals capable of handling several unique phases and parts of a complete restoration process. Our SERVPRO of Monterey Park team knows how to help when disasters strike. Call us today at (626) 656-6577.

How Soot and Fire Damage Impact Monterey Park Homes

4/4/2023 (Permalink)

smoke and soot on wall Drywall and ceilings can attract settling soot or become a victim of smoke damage under pressure.

Materials Can Be Ruined by Fire Damage 

Fire damage is destructive and overwhelming for your home. Regardless of how widespread this concern is throughout the house, our experienced professionals must work to prevent irreparable harm to construction elements, contents, and the environment of your household. 

How Does Soot Impact Home Materials? 

The most direct way that fire damage in Monterey Park can occur is the production of soot and smoke odors that move through the structure. We have a finite amount of time to preserve and protect your property from harm after extinguishment, so we prioritize mitigation and cleanup of areas most heavily impacted by soot soils:

  • Carpeting– Carpets quickly absorb water, soot, odors, and soils after a fire. It is challenging to keep flooring materials salvageable in heavily impacted rooms. We have several carpet cleaning solutions to help, but when these are ineffective, we can pull up the surface layer to ensure the stability of the subflooring.
  • Walls– Drywall on the walls and ceilings can attract settling soot or become a victim of smoke damage under pressure. Sometimes painted drywall can be cleaned and restored, but controlled demolition is another option when restoration might be too lengthy or impossible.
  • Wood–Wood is challenging because the soils and the odors associated with soot and smoke damage can penetrate beyond the surface of these installations. Wood is porous, and abrasive cleaning with media blasters could be the best approach to protect the structural integrity of framing.

Controlled Demolition Beyond Cleaning 

The controlled demolition process focuses on the industry knowledge of our SERVPRO team with the hands-on experience of our contractors to make real-time decisions on the salvageability of smoke-damaged materials. 

When fires impact your home, you can count on SERVPRO of Monterey Park to help. Call (626) 656-6577.

How To Safely Extinguish a Kitchen Fire

9/13/2022 (Permalink)

If it's too hot to handle -- call SERVPRO of Monterey Park @ 626-656-6577 If it's too hot to handle -- call SERVPRO of Monterey Park @ 626-656-6577

How To Put Out a Kitchen Fire In Your Home

For many homeowners, one of the greatest joys you can have is cooking homemade meals. However, that joy can quickly change to fear when facing a fire. Regardless of your experience in the kitchen, a fire can happen to anyone at any time. As a result, everyone needs to be familiar with the process of extinguishing one. The following is a step-by-step guide to putting out a grease fire in your home.

1. Eliminate the heat source. The first step you need to take is removing the heat source by turning your burner off or unplugging the stove. This will help keep the fire from getting out of control. Be sure to wear oven mitts to avoid burns.

2. Smother the flames. The best method for eliminating a stovetop or oven fire is to smother it by putting a lid over the pan. This quickly cuts off the oxygen supply. Make sure to use a lid that is not made of glass, as the intense heat can cause it to shatter. Another option is to use baking soda and pour a generous quantity on the fire. If you own a fire extinguisher, you can use this as a third option. Never use water on a grease fire, as oil and water do not mix, and this can cause an explosion.

3. Call 911. If the above steps do not eliminate the fire, or if it spreads, call 911 immediately and evacuate everyone in the residence. Do not stay and continue to attempt to put out the fire; your life is much more important.

Dealing with a grease fire in your home in Monterey Park, CA, is a terrifying experience. By arming yourself with the knowledge of how to properly handle one before it starts, you can get it under control and prevent excessive damage from occurring. Afterward, fire restoration services can help you with fire cleanup and assess any damage.

Tips For Avoiding Electrical Fires | Monterey Park, CA

7/12/2022 (Permalink)

Do not use outlet extension cords to plug in home appliances Do not use outlet extension cords to plug in home appliances

Electrical and heating fires can happen without warning. Wiring, lighting, cords and plugs all pose their own unique fire risk. By actively being aware of your environment and taking necessary steps for safety, you can work to prevent a fire damage.

Ways to prevent electrical and heating fires:

  1. Have all electrical work done by a qualified electrician and all heating equipment/chimneys cleaned and inspected by a professional. There are no shortcuts when it comes to home safety!
  2. All major appliances (refrigerators, dryers, washers, stoves, a/c units and microwave ovens) should be plugged directly into a wall outlet. Do not use extension cords or plug strips.
  3. Always turn off major appliances and heaters when you leave a room or go to sleep.
  4. Do not use extension cords as a permanent solution for power for any type of device.     

If your property faces electrical damage, make sure to get assistance. We are here to help!

Leading Cause of House Fires In Monterey Park

6/4/2022 (Permalink)

Keep these tips in mind and prevent unexpected house fires! Keep these tips in mind and prevent unexpected house fires!

Here are 5 of the most well known causes of house fires --- but that doesn't mean they can't happen unexpectedly.

1. Unattended cooking. It only takes a minute or two for burning pots and food to start a fire. If you're away from the stove or oven, you may not know your kitchen is on fire until it's too late. If you must walk away, be certain to ask someone else to watch the food, or turn off the burners until you return.

2. Heating. Space heaters - wonderful source of heat or supplemental heat, but they can become a danger when placed near flammable items, such as window treatments. If you have one that does not have auto shut-off when it is tipped over, be extra careful when placing the heater on a surface in your home.

3. Smoking in Bedrooms. Did you know that 73% of all fatalities from a house fire comes from someone smoking in their bedroom? The burning can smolder unnoticed by someone who is asleep and suddenly turn into a fire. When it comes to smoking in the bedroom - don't do it.  It's hard to break a habit, but you can start a "new normal" and make a point of smoking outside.

4. Electrical Equipment. Check all of your appliances to ensure that none have a frayed cord, which can start an electrical fire. The next most common reason for an electrical fire comes from overloading power outlets. Do not overload outlets with double adapter plugs. It's very risky and unsafe.

5. Candles. Candles are so nice to have - they smell wonderful, and give off a subtle ambience.  As nice as they are, we sometimes leaves them burning unattended. It happens. We forget.  Always blow a candle out when leaving a room or leaving the house. Ensure that you are not locating candles anywhere near flammable items, such as books, papers, curtains.

Always stay safe!

Tips For Your Monterey Park Home's Fire Safety.

4/12/2022 (Permalink)

Check your fire extinguisher's expiration date Check your fire extinguisher's expiration date

Incidents such as fire does not come with notice. It is an unpredictable accident, but there are ways to reduce its consequences. Below, you can find tips for your home’s fire safety.

#1 Identify Fire Protection System
Each house should have a fire prevention and it is essential to familiarize yourself with them. These systems can consist of a sprinkler system throughout each building, and the vast majority of apartments have a fire alarm pull station to alert nearby residents.

#2 Check Smoke Alarms
Each apartment is equipped with a smoke alarm, but it is always a good idea to test these alarms on a regular basis. Typically, checking a smoke detect alarm once a month is sufficient. Always replace any smoke alarms that are older than ten years.

#3 Locate Fire Extinguishers
Locate fire extinguishers around areas of home that are exposed more to fire like the kitchen. Make sure to check the status of the extinguishers before they expire!

#4 Never Leave Food on the Stove Unattended
The number one cause of fires inside a home is due to cooking. Leaving food unattended on a stove significantly increases the chance of a fire, and it is important to remain vigilant at all times.

For any emergencies -- Call SERVPRO of Monterey Park -- (626) 656-6577

Fire Damage -- Things To Avoid Doing Before We Arrive.

4/11/2022 (Permalink)

Fire loss in a residential building Fire loss in a residential building

If you experience fire or smoke damage in your home, here are some things that you should NOT do while waiting for your remediation crew to arrive.


  • Attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces without first contacting SERVPRO of Monterey Park.
  • Attempt to shampoo carpet or upholstered furniture without first consulting SERVPRO of Monterey Park.
  • Attempt to clean any electrical appliances (TV sets, radios, etc.) that may have been close to fire, heat, or water without first consulting an authorized repair service.
  • Consume any food or beverages that may have been stored close to fire, heat, or water (they may be contaminated).
  • Turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet. Wiring may be wet or damaged causing electrical shock, and air movement may create a secondary damage.
  • Send garments to a dry cleaner. Improper cleaning may set in smoke odor.

Fire Disaster: Mitigating Both Fire and Water Damage

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

Fire loss in a Monterey Park, CA property Fire loss in a Monterey Park, CA property

A fire disaster consists of more than flames. A property may also experience flooding during rescue efforts as well as toxicity in soot and smoke remnants. Therefore, such a disaster is three-fold and, depending on the extent of the damage, you may wish to call in an expert to assist you in the fire and water cleanup of your building. Fire mitigation companies in Monterey Park, CA clean disasters by performing a minimum of three tasks.

  • Reducing exposure
  • Drying the premises
  • Removing fire and smoke damage

Reducing Exposure

The first objective of any fire cleanup effort is to reduce exposure to the elements and possible trespassers. Therefore, the company you hire will typically suggest boarding up any damaged windows and doors. They may also suggest placing tarps over any large holes in the roofline. By taking advantage of these services, you know that your facility is protected.

Drying the Premises

Next, while water cleanup might sound a little out of place in fire restoration, you need to remember the rescue efforts and possibly suppression systems in use in your building. Fire hoses produce gallons of water per minute, which collects on your floor when attempting to put out the flames. Therefore, a mitigation crew will spend some time using pumps, fans, shop vacs and dehumidifiers to dry out your property.

Removing Fire and Smoke Damage

Once the premises are dry, the crew will begin the fire and smoke cleanup phase. At this point, the team will remove damaged structure and clean the remainder of the building, ensuring that they have a sanitary foundation for restoration work.
Fire, smoke and water cleanup are all a part of the fire restoration and mitigation process. While minor blazes may be manageable on your own, for more significant disasters, you may require the assistance of a qualified mitigation expert. Don't hesitate to call when disaster strikes.

Preventative Measures for House Fires

12/17/2021 (Permalink)

firedamage Take preventative measures for home fires and educate others about the importance of fire safety. Regularly maintain smoke alarms.

An average of 358,000 homes have fires each year and more than 3,000 Americans die from fires per year. It is good to practice fire safety but even better to prevent house fires. The top three causes of house fires are cooking, heating equipment, and electrical appliances. Let's talk about preventative measures so you can ensure your family's optimal safety.

  1. Education Educate everyone in your household about fire safety. Since it is aforementioned that cooking is a number one cause of house fires, it is ideal to educate those around you on the safety of cooking such as never leaving the stove on or "stop, drop, and roll". You can also teach your family about fire safety at your local fire department.
  2. Smoke Alarms Smoke alarms should be tested at least once a month and changing the batteries yearly. It's also ideal to replace the alarms themselves every ten years. There are smart detectors that connect to Wi-Fi and let you know when the alarm goes off or when it's time to change batteries. 
  3. Keep flammable items in safe place You should keep flammable items contained in proper storage and stored away in an ideal temperature. Keep rubbing alcohol stored away from open flames and sparks and keep hairspray and aerosol cans away from heat and flames. Gasoline and paint thinner should not be stored inside your house. Keep cooking oil in a cool and dry place and do not leave on the stovetop while cooking. Keep flour in a safe place and never use it to put out a cooking fire since it is flammable in nature. Also keep nail polish stored in a cool dark place as it is flammable.
  4. Pets Keep pets in safe place so they don't damage your electrical appliances or expose stored flammables.
  5. Appliances and Wiring Make sure electrical appliances and wiring are in order. Make sure the central heating and air conditioner in your home is cleaned regularly. When burning wood in the fireplace, make sure to only use dried/seasoned wood and make sure it is cleaned regularly and use a screen to ensure embers don't fly out. Keep stove and oven clean and make sure grease is properly disposed of inside. Clean the lint trap of the drying machine regularly.

If you have any fire damage within your home, SERVPRO of Monterey Park can restore and replace anything damaged. We work directly with your insurance company and we understand the process from start to finish.

Thanksgiving Turkey Frying Tips & Tricks

11/17/2021 (Permalink)

fried turkey If you experience fire or smoke damage while cooking the Thanksgiving feast, call your local SERVPRO fire cleanup professionals!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and there is nothing better than a deep-fried turkey during the holidays! Unfortunately, that also means a rise in house fires. It is estimated that 1000 house fires that occur during the holidays are related to turkey fryers. SERVPRO of Monterey Park would like to share a few things to be mindful of when preparing your Thanksgiving meal to keep yourself from having a house fire:

  • Keep outdoor deep-fryers off decks, out of garages, and a safe distance from trees and buildings.
  • Make sure the turkey is thawed and dry before cooking
  • Place the fryer on a level surface 
  • Follow the manufacture instructions 
  • Never leave the fryer unattended.
  • Turn the burner off before lowering the turkey into the oil. Once the turkey is submerged, turn the burner on.
  • Keep children and pets away from the fryer at all times.
  • Once finished, remove the pot from the burner; place it on a level surface and cover to let the oil cool overnight before disposing of.

SERVPRO of Monterey Park wishes everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving Holiday. In the unfortunate event of fire or smoke damage, we are available 24/7. Call us @ 626-656-6577